[Pharo-dev] [Ann] Fog 1.0.0-beta
Santiago Bragagnolo
2018-12-03 00:20:09 UTC
Hi All!

I have being working on releasing versions (i should do it more often).
I am happy to announce Fog v1.0.0-beta. I think I found a API that i like
enough. So, i took the courage to pass to 1.

Thew new version changes many things: Redefines the roll of the session,
it minimize the roll of the connection, it cleans up the code, it defines a
more verbose but less magic API. It generates proxies for the contracts.

It supports now all the types including: maps and arrays.

Goodnight :)



Pharo Ethereum Driver

Fog is a library that allows the user to connect to an ethereum based
blockchain data base.

Is based on the Javascript canonical implementation done by Ethereum
community Ethereum Javascript API
Download code <https://github.com/smartanvil/Fog#iceberg--baseline>Iceberg
/ Baseline

baseline: 'Fog';
repository: 'github://sbragagnolo/Fog/src';
Santiago Bragagnolo
2018-12-03 00:20:40 UTC
already a revision to do to the doc!

baseline: 'Fog';
repository: 'github://smartanvil/Fog/src';

El lun., 3 dic. 2018 a las 1:20, Santiago Bragagnolo (<
Post by Santiago Bragagnolo
Hi All!
I have being working on releasing versions (i should do it more often).
I am happy to announce Fog v1.0.0-beta. I think I found a API that i like
enough. So, i took the courage to pass to 1.
Thew new version changes many things: Redefines the roll of the session,
it minimize the roll of the connection, it cleans up the code, it defines a
more verbose but less magic API. It generates proxies for the contracts.
It supports now all the types including: maps and arrays.
Goodnight :)
Pharo Ethereum Driver
Fog is a library that allows the user to connect to an ethereum based
blockchain data base.
Is based on the Javascript canonical implementation done by Ethereum
community Ethereum Javascript API
Download code <https://github.com/smartanvil/Fog#iceberg--baseline>Iceberg
/ Baseline
baseline: 'Fog';
repository: 'github://sbragagnolo/Fog/src';
Marcus Denker
2018-12-03 08:09:20 UTC
Link to GitHub:

https://github.com/sbragagnolo/Fog <https://github.com/sbragagnolo/Fog>
Post by Santiago Bragagnolo
Hi All!
I have being working on releasing versions (i should do it more often).
I am happy to announce Fog v1.0.0-beta. I think I found a API that i like enough. So, i took the courage to pass to 1.
Thew new version changes many things: Redefines the roll of the session, it minimize the roll of the connection, it cleans up the code, it defines a more verbose but less magic API. It generates proxies for the contracts.
It supports now all the types including: maps and arrays.
Goodnight :)
Pharo Ethereum Driver
Fog is a library that allows the user to connect to an ethereum based blockchain data base.
Is based on the Javascript canonical implementation done by Ethereum community Ethereum Javascript API <https://github.com/ethereum/wiki/wiki/JavaScript-API>.
Download code
<https://github.com/smartanvil/Fog#iceberg--baseline>Iceberg / Baseline
baseline: 'Fog';
repository: 'github://sbragagnolo/Fog/src';
Santiago Bragagnolo
2018-12-03 08:18:03 UTC
It was late yesterday hahaha, I made many mistakes, thanks Marcus.
Anyway, the address is this one:

https://github.com/smartanvil/Fog <https://github.com/sbragagnolo/Fog>
https://github.com/smartanvil/Fog <https://github.com/sbragagnolo/Fog>
Hi All!
I have being working on releasing versions (i should do it more often).
I am happy to announce Fog v1.0.0-beta. I think I found a API that i like
enough. So, i took the courage to pass to 1.
Thew new version changes many things: Redefines the roll of the session,
it minimize the roll of the connection, it cleans up the code, it defines a
more verbose but less magic API. It generates proxies for the contracts.
It supports now all the types including: maps and arrays.
Goodnight :)
Pharo Ethereum Driver
Fog is a library that allows the user to connect to an ethereum based blockchain data base.
Is based on the Javascript canonical implementation done by Ethereum
community Ethereum Javascript API
Download code <https://github.com/smartanvil/Fog#iceberg--baseline>Iceberg
/ Baseline
baseline: 'Fog';
repository: 'github://sbragagnolo/Fog/src';