[Pharo-dev] Problem with ZipArchive (probably bug due to large file)
Mariano Martinez Peck
2017-12-21 11:54:11 UTC
Hi guys,

I discovered a problem with ZipArchive when using Metacello to download a
zipball of a github project. The project in question is HighchartsSt (soon
we will make a new release and ANN) and this repo has *a lot* of
autogenerated code. By a lot, I mean that the ZIP file is about 90MB.

I do understand the recommended approach with git is to clone (either
externally or with Iceberg), then work with your local clone via filetree
or tonel, and finally lock it. When you do this, ZipArchive is not used and
hence I have no problem.

However, even if not the recommended path, I know there are people still
getting projects with Metacello from remote urls from github and hence the
zipball download is in play.

The problem in question is an error reading the zip signature. We believe
it happens only with very big zips (smaller zips do work) and one way to
reproduce it is as simple as this:

outputFileName := '/tmp/test.zip'.
ZnClient new
url: '
downloadTo: outputFileName.
ZipArchive new
readFrom: outputFileName asFileReference

Some info I could get is that the zip itself looks good:

Curl is able to download:

❯ curl -L https://github.com/ba-st/HighchartsSt/zipball/highchart6-import >

❯ ls -lah highcharts.zip
-rw-r--r-- 1 mariano staff 79M Dec 18 23:14 highcharts.zip

and zip seems valid:

❯ unzip -q -t highcharts.zip
No errors detected in compressed data of highcharts.zip.

Anyway, if there is someone with some knowledge in ZipArchive that could
give us a hand....

Thank you very much in advance,
Pavel Krivanek
2017-12-21 12:24:09 UTC
Pharo does not support Zip64 file format so it cannot work with big files
nor files with huge amount of files.

-- Pavel
Post by Mariano Martinez Peck
Hi guys,
I discovered a problem with ZipArchive when using Metacello to download a
zipball of a github project. The project in question is HighchartsSt (soon
we will make a new release and ANN) and this repo has *a lot* of
autogenerated code. By a lot, I mean that the ZIP file is about 90MB.
I do understand the recommended approach with git is to clone (either
externally or with Iceberg), then work with your local clone via filetree
or tonel, and finally lock it. When you do this, ZipArchive is not used and
hence I have no problem.
However, even if not the recommended path, I know there are people still
getting projects with Metacello from remote urls from github and hence the
zipball download is in play.
The problem in question is an error reading the zip signature. We believe
it happens only with very big zips (smaller zips do work) and one way to
outputFileName := '/tmp/test.zip'.
ZnClient new
url: 'https://github.com/ba-st/HighchartsSt/zipball/
downloadTo: outputFileName.
ZipArchive new
readFrom: outputFileName asFileReference
❯ curl -L https://github.com/ba-st/HighchartsSt/zipball/highchart6-import >
❯ ls -lah highcharts.zip
-rw-r--r-- 1 mariano staff 79M Dec 18 23:14 highcharts.zip
❯ unzip -q -t highcharts.zip
No errors detected in compressed data of highcharts.zip.
Anyway, if there is someone with some knowledge in ZipArchive that could
give us a hand....
Thank you very much in advance,